Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another Time for Mourning-Cody

Some months back, I wrote about the loss of our Electrical Engineer, John, to cancer.  We have now lost someone else who is very special to us.  On our website's, "Description" page (and "'Foto' Gallery" page) there is a picture of a young man with Down Syndrome.  His name is Cody and he recently passed away.  He and his wonderful family were kind enough to allow us to take photos of him using FotoDialer for our website and for marketing materials.  Cody is not only special to us because of his help, but he is also a relative to some of us at IntelliSolve and The Vision Group.  He is my second cousin and has always been the excitement at any family gathering.  It was with great sadness we received the news of his passing, yet we know he is with God now and free of this life's pain.  Should more of us display Cody's love, zest for life, and devotion to family, this life would be so much better.  We would be more trusting of one another and be more willing to lend a helping hand to our neighbors.  We wouldn't search for ulterior motives as the reason someone aided us, but would see them as just helping out.  

Cody loved and was loved in return.  May we see his life as an example for us to follow.

Cody's pictures are HERE or HERE.