Walmart is currently doing a competition (Get on the Shelf) where inventors can submit their ideas via a YouTube video and description. Then on March 7th, people can vote on which ideas they like. Those who make the top 10 will go to a second round of voting. The top three will make it to the Walmart website and the top pick will make it into Walmart stores! They will also receive help manufacturing etc.
This competition is in place to get superb products into Walmart that wouldn't be able to otherwise because of lack of visibility.
We think FotoDialer is perfect for this! FotoDialer will give the ability to communicate back to people who have lost that ability. Or, at the very least, it will make communication easier for us all.
Please take the time to vote for FotoDialer starting March 7th! Feel free to pass along the information to all those you know. Use email and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and let's get FotoDialer into Walmart stores so more people can benefit from this amazing tool!
HERE to see the FotoDialer submission.
HERE to go to the FotoDialer website.
Thank you!