Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday!

November 28, 2011 is Cyber Monday.  Cyber Monday gives shoppers an alternative to the early morning slugfests of Black Friday.  From your home, you can purchase just about anything you want.  But, there are also risks with shopping online.  Here are a few tips you can do to protect yourself and create a safe and enjoyable online shopping experience.

1) Only enter credit card information on secure pages.  You know it is secure when there is an, "S" after http in the address bar ( 

2) Check your bank statements and keep all receipts.

3) Be sure the website you are on is the real one.

4) Search for better deals on other sites.  If you are looking for a product, chances are you can find it on multiple sites.  Make sure to compare prices, but remember to factor in who has the best warranty and shipping prices too.  The lowest price doesn't necessarily mean the best deal.

For more security and shopping tips, check out this page here.

FotoDialer has a sales price right now so go HERE to purchase.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Time of Thanks!

We want to wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings!  One of the reasons FotoDialer was developed was to create a stronger bond with families.  Our hope this year is that we all contemplate our families and all that we are grateful for. 

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Click HERE to see FotoDialer.